Monday, July 2, 2012

Thirty One and Organization

So I'm new to the whole blogging thing, but after stalking a few (gazillion) blogs I found a few I follow and one is 4th Grade Frolics and their Monday Made it Linky Party!  LOVE seeing what other teachers are making.  Here is one idea I need to make, and some household organizers I made to keep me in check!

I am obsessed with a few things these days including: trying to get organized, Pinterest projects, Photoshop, and my Thirty One utility tote.  Never heard of Thirty One?  Well well, you need these products!  I have one thing; a utility tote, and I LOVE it for carrying everything I need.  I was just invited to a Thirty One party and my husband has no idea that I am in desperate "need" of more Thirty One totes.  Why???  Because I found THIS on Pinterest!!!

The blog address is but the link above will take you directly to the Thirty One bag post.  So excited to do this with a tote!  Think I plan on getting this exact tote too and well, toting around my school papers!

On the theme of organization I came across this Pinterest post one day and thraced it back to THIS Etsy shop where you can buy a pre-made print for yourself.  Since I am a Photoshop Junkie and I do like being original every now and then, I HAD to make my own board.  Here Is a picture of my creation in use (with personal information blacked out).  There is a place for a current picture which is easy to change.  And the blurry part in the upper right corner is for the name.  There are clips for homework or notes, and a dry erase marker works great on it!

So, I had to organize myself as well so I made this for me!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Good Morning!

Hi!  My name is Mrs. Johnson and after stalking all the teacher blogs on the internet, I decided to start my own in order to compile all the fun I find that can be applied to my classroom.  I am a photohop junkie and so I have taken ideas from other blogs to create my blog "look".  Some call it copying, some call it stealing, I call it being lazy and not creative enough at the moment to come up with something new!  In reality, why spend all this time making my blog super original when I'm not sure anyone will check it out anyways?  And who knows if it will even take off and have followers or what-not.  I really just want my own place to accumulate all the ideas I find!!!

So, the awesome idea for my bog header came from a combination of two blogs I'm loving right now.  The first one is 3rd Grade's A Hoot which is beautifully designed and a lot of fun to explore.  The second blog is Fun In Room 4B which is equally as fun to follow.  Fun In Room 4B I believe  has been nominated for some awards and is a very accomplished blog. 

I have a theory on why everyone is using these fun bright colors these days.  First of all, they are FUN and add some color to an otherwise bland (white walled) life.  Also, the Dollar Tree has tons of fun baskets in these colors for..... a dollar!  I've been stocking up for my classroom library which is an adventure all on it's own since it is very small right now.

Anyways, hope to blog at least a few times a week, we'll see.

Mrs. Johnson