I am obsessed with a few things these days including: trying to get organized, Pinterest projects, Photoshop, and my Thirty One utility tote. Never heard of Thirty One? Well well, you need these products! I have one thing; a utility tote, and I LOVE it for carrying everything I need. I was just invited to a Thirty One party and my husband has no idea that I am in desperate "need" of more Thirty One totes. Why??? Because I found THIS on Pinterest!!!
The blog address is http://www.thenesteffect.com/ but the link above will take you directly to the Thirty One bag post. So excited to do this with a tote! Think I plan on getting this exact tote too and well, toting around my school papers!
On the theme of organization I came across this Pinterest post one day and thraced it back to THIS Etsy shop where you can buy a pre-made print for yourself. Since I am a Photoshop Junkie and I do like being original every now and then, I HAD to make my own board. Here Is a picture of my creation in use (with personal information blacked out). There is a place for a current picture which is easy to change. And the blurry part in the upper right corner is for the name. There are clips for homework or notes, and a dry erase marker works great on it!
So, I had to organize myself as well so I made this for me!